#CustomersGuide: How to reset or change the Membership Password?

Recently, our staff has received a lot questions regarding how to reset or change the Membership password?. So, we already did a very simple tutorial how to do it by yourself. Just follow this a few steps to reset or change your Membership Password;

Step #1 - Go to Desktop

Step #2 - Click on Member

Step #3 - Key In Your Old Password and Your New Password

Step #4 - Click Change PassWord

Step #5 - Done! Password Changed Successfully. Click Close Button.
* You're NOT ALLOWED to share your MEMBER ID and PASSWORD to ANYONE!
* The Management have the rights to REMOVE or BANNED the MEMBER ID and PASSWORD.
* The Management reserves the right to modify the rules as needed.
* If you encounter any problems this, contact autosurfcafe@gmail.com.

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